Nis Aosmhor

Born in the village of Knockaird, Ness in 1910, Dan qualified as a Gaelic teacher, later assuming the role of Principal Teacher of Gaelic in Oban High School. Throughout his life he enjoyed taking photographs and bought his first camera in Glasgow in 1935.
'Nis Aosmhor' is available to buy from Comunn Eachdraidh Nis.

Historic Ness
‘Nis Aosmhor’ (Historic Ness), a collection of his black and white photographs from the 1930s to the 1990s, was first published in 1997 and later re-printed in 2019. A seminal social history of sixty years of Ness and Niseachs, the collection is a fascinating insight into a way of life on the edge, its labours and its laughter, its travails and its triumphs.
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